
Version 0.9.2:
Release Date: 20th July 2024

-5 new skills added (Archer: Sustained Fire - Warrior: Recharge - Tank: Flashbang, Awakening - Dreamweaver: Embrace)
-Contact form added to the page, use this to report bugs or suggest features.



-Absorption (Healer skill/ability) nerfed from 25% to 10% of damage healed (before healing power.) It is still extremely powerful and gives amazing survivability during use, but not quite the complete invulnerability it practically gave before. Tooltip clarified to state that it scales off Meche's healing power and corrected to state that it works with all character's damage.
-Hug The Bucko (Dreamweaver skill/ability) now has an ability tooltip, this was an oversight.
-Overwhelming Power (Mage skill/ability) ability tooltip corrected to +33/66/100% crit instead of saying it sets to 100%, this was its old pre-nerf effect.
-Improved Defensive Web (Dreamweaver skill) now causes the ability tooltip to correctly state that it applies to all characters.


-The stash has been added, giving an additional 630 squares of in town storage space for various items.
-You can now view the tutorial window again from the settings menu.
-The tooltip for abilities now shows their cooldown.


-Clicking unspent skill/attribute points buttons at the bottom now works if you have a menu such as the inventory, settings, waypoint, etc windows open.
-Corrected a bug that caused the potion tooltip to not show the correct value healed per second until the next time the potion is used due to the buff being applied before the potion regen value was set.
-Added a safety check to the game loading function to prevent the game loading saves from newer versions, which could potentially cause game crashes or save corruption. Doing so will display a message telling the player to download the newest version. This only really effects people sharing save files and such.
-Fixed an issue where right clicking on things in the inventory didn't check if the item is actually in the inventory, which could have caused very rare bugs.
-Fixed an issue where the Hero Armor base had the same sprite as Enchanted Plate Mail instead of the sprite it was supposed to have. This fix will retroactively apply to old items when loading your file.


Version 0.9.1:
Release Date: 7th July 2024


-Clicking the settings icon in the UI bar with the settings window open now correctly closes the window.
-Picked up items in the inventory now correctly reset when exiting the inventory by clicking on the UI bar buttons at the bottom, when pressing E at the shop, and when closing the game with the windows X button or alt+F4. This prevents the inventory grid from potentially becoming corrupted causing data redundancy errors (such as having two items in the same inventory space.)
-Meche's HP now checks if it is above her max HP after calculating the extra HP from Endurant (Tank skill,) preventing her health from dropping after using a potion or otherwise recalculating.


Version 0.9 Bucko Jam Edition:
Release Date: 30th June 2024

-36 new skills added
-1 new optional boss added
-1 new rare boss added
-2 new legendary items added
-Difficulty options and hardcore mode added, as well as an option to skip the intro cutscene
-Loot filter, autosave setting, use potion at full HP, and hide unspent points added to settings menu



-Split Shot (Archer skill) can no longer recursively split to prevent big packs getting hit spawning ridiculous amounts of arrows. The chances to split have been increased from 4/8/12% to 8/16/25% to compensate. Split arrows also have a bright blue colour now to make the effect more visible.
-Ice Spike (Mage skill) description clarified from "1 per 0.5 sec" to "Once per 0.5 sec" and also shows an icon on enemies that are slowed
-Overwhelming Power (Mage skill/ability) nerfed from 1 point to 3 points. Now increases crit chance by 33/66/100% for 5 seconds instead of setting crit chance to 100% for 5 seconds (crit is capped at 100% anyway)
-Ice Burst (Midboss skill/ability) now shows an icon on enemies that are slowed
-Thunder Clap (Midboss skill) duration now scales based on attack speed, since it always fires at the same speed
-Overdrive (Charger skill/ability) move and attack speed increase buffed from 20% to 25%
-Burning Overdrive (Charger skill/ability) massively buffed from 25/50/75% block to crit conversion to 200/300/400%
-Deadly Accuracy (Charger skill/ability) buffed from 1/2% to 2/4%
-Berserking (Charger skill/ability) buffed, tired debuff's base duration (before cooldown reduction) reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds. The effect increased from +10/20/30% damage to +20/40/60% damage. Additionally, when Lumi has the tired debuff she will have a purple color overlay on her character sprite to make it more obvious. Slight nerf to accomodate the large damage increase: Lumi can no longer get the "Berserking" buff while "Tired" is active.
-Barrier (Healer skill) now scales based on healing power in addition to defense and endurance


-The inventory screen now shows the current difficulty setting and whether hardcore is enabled.
-If not playing hardcore, the inventory screen now shows how many times you've fainted to town. This counter is not retroactive.
-Hidden chests added to a couple of zones.
-Item drops now draw over NPCs, waypoints, etc
-Increased the armor scaling given by defense again making it much more powerful
-You can now press E in the inventory next to the shop to quickly swap back to the shop, rather than having to close the inventory first.
-Character switch timers and ability cooldowns now reset when fainting to town.
-You can now hold shift to compare shop items to the currently selected character's equipment. Top tabs added to the shop to change character, or use number keys.
-You can now right click to equip items from the inventory.
-Items bought from the shop will now immediately go into the inventory if there is space available instead of dropping on the floor.
-Tip added to inventory and skills screen that you can change characters with number keys.


-Full stops removed from a couple of legendary items unique stats (item stats are not meant to have full stops.)
-Crystal Helmet legendary effect nerfed from +1000 armor to +500 armor to account for previous buff to flat damage reduction.
-Treant Staff legendary effect now has a visible icon show on the character when it procs.


-Enemy only walls implemented in Spooder Drift Graveyard to prevent the boss from clipping through the wall.
-Enemy only walls implemended in Rocky Fields to prevent enemies clipping through the walls near the waypoint.
-"Increased Armor During Potion Effect" potion stat would have the effect cancelled if anything caused a stat recalculation (such as getting a buff/debuff)
-Fixed a bug where Lumi would not be able to hit with attacks after Frenzy (Charger skill) buff expired
-Cliff area in Great Stone Road East 1 slightly redesigned to prevent boss from walking into a corner and getting stuck.
-Fixed an issue where you could talk to the a2q5 NPC early and then pick up a2q6, completely skipping most of act 2. Sorry speedrunners.
-Undead enemies in act 2 now level scale correctly.
-Some buffs were not properly clearing when fainting to town (particularly ones that require switching to Ami or from another character)
-The save and exit button on the settings menu now change colour correctly depending on character.
-Fixed a bug that prevented shop items from being properly deleted when refreshed and they would be retained in memory indefinitely until the game was closed.
-Fixed a bug that caused support power and Arachnid's Blessing buff apply to Charge Burst and Ice Burst twice.
-Enemies could be effected multiple times by Ice Burst (Midboss skill/ability) slow effect, this was unintentional.
-Fixed a bug that caused trees to have weird shadows that were darker on some tiles due to previous optimizations in the tileset drawing system.
-Barrier (Healer skill) now resets when fainting to town as intended.
-Using a Respec Orb now recalcs all character's stats.
-Amiya and Meche's stats will now recalculate if attribute points are spend on Lumi's endurance or when Lumi equips items while Lumi has the Endurant (Tank) skill, so their HP changes immediately instead of next time their stats are recalced.
-Stats now recalculate when fainting to town, preventing buffs/debuffs from being stuck on until the next recalc


Version 0.8 Beta:
Release Date: 20th June 2024

-Act Two Complete, including 6 new quests and many new skills, enemies, items, etc

Changes (incomplete list, a lot of changes and i started tracking changes late):


-Absorption (Healer skill) buffed, heals using all character's damage instead of just Meche's.
-Dreamweaving (Dreamweaver skill) buffed, 20% chance instead of 10%, lasts 12 seconds instead of 10 seconds
-Sniper Shot (Archer skill/ability) buffed, now pierces enemies (previously the projectile would be destroyed when hitting an enemy)
-Web Shot (Webslinger skill) now shows an icon on enemies that are slowed
-Improved Defensive Web's (Dreamweaver skill) increased duration is now reflected in the ability tooltip


-Skills now have a yellow number if the skill is maxed
-Player level and class is now shown in the inventory screen
-Armor reduces more flat damage making it more impactful at low levels
-Defense contributes much more armor scaling than it did previously
-Weapon damage made a bit more impactful
-Waypoints now delete nearby enemies on zone refresh to prevent overwhelming the player
-Some areas have special enemy only invisible walls to prevent fast enemies clipping through walls


-Increased armor rolls on gear is higher at all tiers (does not retroactively apply to old items)
-Legendary weapons damage rebalanced as I forgot to do so when changing the increased damage tiers previously (does not retroactively apply to old items)
-Gacha Dice and Attribute Orb items added to store
-Viking Helmet has a new sprite
-The price of shop items now scale up depending on player level (previously it was always 2.5x the sell price, now it is 2.4x + 0.1x per player level)


-Tileset drawing optimized
-Item pickup code optimized
-Skills menu code optimized
-Implemented crash logging


-Clicking the waypoint for Act 2 caused the game to bug out as the beta is missing act 2 files.
-Breaker Burst couldn't be taken without taking Overdrive first. This is unintentional.
-The settings menu didn't change colour depending on character.
-T4 crit roll was wrong and should be 9.0% instead of 0.9%.
-Previously using a consumable with another type of consumable in the inventory might use the wrong item.
-Chests respawned after going through town portal.
-Respec Orb was broken for Lumi and Meche and would not give the skill points back.
-Sprites on Clockwork Armor, Hero Armor, and Pyromancer Robe fixed (they were mixed up,) does not retroactively apply to old items
-Fixed a bug where shop items wouldn't generate properly after a certain level due to those base items not being created yet
-Cleaned up a graphical bug on the large fireball sprite (see: )


Version 0.7 Beta:
Release Date: 6th June 2024

-Act One Complete

Get Trail of Dreams

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